Author page: Prof. Dr. Axel F.A. Adam-Müller

University of St. Gallen: PostDoc Position in Finance with Focus on Private Markets (m/f/d)

A place where knowledge is created» – As one of Europe’s leading universities of economics and business admini-stration, the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, is committed to the education of over 9800 students. The HSG is one of the largest employers in the region and provides an attractive and innovative environment for more than 3300 researchers, educators and professional staff.

University of St. Gallen: PostDoc Position in Finance with Focus on Private Markets (m/f/d)
(full time, limited for two years)

We offer

You will conduct rigorous academic research at the Chair of Private Markets and Alternative Investments. You will have access to an extensive set of databases and analytical tools. You will benefit from hands-on experience with research methods and obtain opportunities to work closely with Prof. Tereza Tykvova as well as national and international partners.

Potential focus areas include:

  • Venture capital
  • Buyouts
  • Private debt
  • Infrastructure investments
  • Mergers and acquisitions

Your profile:

  • Outstanding PhD degree in economics/finance or a related field
  • Strong interest in conducting high-quality academic research in private markets
  • Excellent analytical and quantitative skills
  • Dedicated towards an academic career
  • Previous research experience in private markets or corporate finance

Applications should include a motivation letter, a CV, a list of publications, a statement of future research interests, a description of the most important achievement, and a certificate of the highest degree. In addition, you may add reference letters. Review of applications will begin immediately. We are looking forward to your online-application. For more information, please contact Prof. Tereza Tykvova (

We are looking forward to your online-application stating the job ID 1251: apply here

Further information on working at the HSG can be found here.

Universität Innsbruck: Universitätsassistent:in im Fach Asset Management

Viele Menschen haben an der Universität Innsbruck ihre Berufung in Forschung, Lehre oder Verwaltung gefunden. Gemeinsam sind wir Uni, gemeinsam bewegen wir etwas!

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung als

Universitätsassistent:in im Fach Asset Management (30h/Woche)

Am Institut für Banken und Finanzen forschen Sie selbstständig zu aktuellen Themen im Bereich Asset Management oder Asset Pricing mit dem Ziel der Publikation in führenden Fachzeitschriften. Darüber hinaus engagieren Sie sich in der Lehre und Verwaltung des Instituts. Das Verfassen einer Dissertation im Rahmen der Forschungstätigkeiten ist möglich und erwünscht.

Ihr Profil:

  • Sie haben ein facheinschlägiges abgeschlossenes Master-, Magister- oder Diplomstudium eines Studiengangs mit einem erkennbaren Bezug zur Finanzwirtschaft.
  • Sie verfügen über sehr gute Englisch­kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.
  • Sie haben idealerweise Vorkenntnisse in einer gängigen Programmiersprache sowie in der Anwendung quantitativer Methoden.
  • Wir wenden uns insbesondere an teamorientierte, kommunikative und belastbare Personen.

Unser Angebot:

Bei uns erwarten Sie spannende Aufgaben, ein familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld, flexible Arbeitszeiten, attraktive Weiterbildungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, eine bezahlte Mittagspause und vieles mehr!

Für diese Position in Verwendungs­gruppe B1/1 ist ein kollektivvertragliches Mindestentgelt von brutto € 3578,80/ Monat (14 mal, Stand 2023) bei Vollzeitbeschäf­tigung vorgesehen. Ihr tatsächliches Einstiegsgehalt richtet sich nach Ihren Vorerfahrungen und steigt im Laufe der Anstellung.

Die Universität Innsbruck legt im Rahmen ihrer Personalpolitik Wert auf Chancen-gleichheit und Diversität. Die Universität Innsbruck strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauen-anteils an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Dies gilt insbesondere für Leitungsfunktionen sowie für wissenschaftliche Stellen. Bei Unterreprä­sentation werden Frauen bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen. Der österreichischen Behindertengesetzgebung folgend werden quali­fizierte Personen ausdrücklich ermutigt, sich zu bewerben.

Organisationseinheit: Institut für Banken und Finanzen
Unternehmensstandort: Innsbruck
Beschäftigungsart: 30h/Woche
Dauer: 4 Jahre

Interesse geweckt?
Wir möchten Sie gerne kennenlernen und freuen uns auf Ihre Online-Bewerbung bis 31.05.2024 mit der Chiffre: 14259

Vienna University of Economics and Business: 3 Teaching and Research Associates, Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance

Vienna University of Economics and Business
Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance

3 Teaching and Research Associates

You want to understand how things are connected and make a fundamental impact? We offer an environment where you can realize your full potential. At one of Europe’s largest and most modern business and economics universities. On a campus where quality of work is also quality of life. We are looking for support at the

Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance
Part-time, 30 hours/week
Starting October 01, 2024, and ending after 6 years

What to expect
• The main tasks are research and teaching in the areas of corporate finance, asset pricing and financial markets.
• In research, the focus is on working on the PhD dissertation which is expected to consist of empirical or theoretical projects in the research areas mentioned.
• In teaching, the tasks involve the courses offered by the institute in the field of finance and the support of senior faculty in the supervision of bachelor theses.

What you have to offer
Prerequisite is a degree that entitles to complete a doctorate or PhD. The following qualifications are also required:
• Excellent knowledge of finance
• Programming skills (favorably in R)
• Very good knowledge in mathematics and statistics
• Experience in dealing with data analysis (especially larger data sets) is an advantage
• Ability to work in a team
• Very good command of English (German is not necessary)
Contact for further informa􀆟on: Prof. Stefan Pichler (

What we offer you
• Inspiring campus life with over 2,400 employees in research, teaching, and administration and approximately 21,500 students
• A modern campus with spectacular architecture in the heart of Vienna
• Excellent accessibility by public transportation
• Meaningful work in an open-minded, inclusive, and family-friendly environment
• Flexible working hours
• A wide range of benefits, from an in-house medical officer to athletic activities and a meal allowance to a variety of employee discounts

Curious? Visit our website and find out more at

The minimum monthly gross salary amounts to €2,684.10 (14 times per year). This salary may be adjusted based on job-related prior work experience. In addition, we offer a wide range of attractive social benefits.
Do you want to join the WU team?
Then please submit your application by May 29, 2024 under (ID 2096)
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (E13, 100%) am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Banking und Finanzcontrolling

Am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Banking und Finanzcontrolling der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg ist zum 01.10.2024 die Stelle einer/eines

Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiters (m/w/d)
(100% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

zunächst befristet für 3 Jahre (Promotion) mit Option auf Verlängerung der Arbeitszeit zu besetzen.


  • Mitarbeit in der Forschung des Lehrstuhls (selbständig sowie im Team)
  • Vorstellung von Forschungsergebnissen auf internationalen Tagungen
  • Publikation von Forschungsergebnissen in Journals
  • Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen sowie Betreuung von Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten
  • Mitwirkung bei Verwaltungsaufgaben des Lehrstuhls
  • Eigene wissenschaftliche Qualifizierung mit Ziel der Promotion


  • Guter Hochschulabschluss (Master oder vergleichbar) im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Finance, der Volkswirtschaftslehre oder der Finanz- bzw. Wirtschaftsmathematik
  • Von Vorteil sind Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Statistiksoftware oder der Programmierung (z. B. in Matlab oder Mathematica)
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
  • Teamgeist, Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie ein hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative

Wenn Sie bereits einen überdurchschnittlichen Bachelorabschluss haben und kurz vor Beendigung des Masterstudiums stehen, können Sie sich ebenfalls bewerben.


Die Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg fördert die berufliche Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern. Wir sind bestrebt, den Anteil von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre zu erhöhen, und fordern deshalb entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen oder Bewerber werden bei ansonsten im Wesentlichen gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Die Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg wurde von der Hertie-Stiftung als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Sie setzt sich besonders für die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Erwerbsleben ein.


Ihre Bewerbung mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse) senden Sie bitte elektronisch (zusammengefasst zu einer Datei im PDF-Format, max. 6 MB) bis zum 17.06.2024 unter Angabe des frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins an folgende E-Mail-Adresse:
Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Lehrstuhlinhaber, Prof. Dr. Matthias Muck.


Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre,
insbes. Banking und Finanzcontrolling
Prof. Dr. Matthias Muck
Kärntenstr. 7
96045 Bamberg
Telefon: 0951 / 863 – 2091

University of Cologne: Professorship in Finance (W3) (f/m/d)

University of Cologne
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

Professorship in Finance (W3) (f/m/d)

The University of Cologne is one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany. With its six Faculties covering a broad spectrum of disciplines and its internationally outstanding research profile areas, it enjoys an excellent reputation for its academic achievements and high standards of undergraduate and graduate education. The position is based in the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, which is consistently ranked among the top schools in research and teaching.

The successful candidate will contribute to research and teaching within the Finance Area of the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences. The candidate should conduct high quality research in finance and contribute to one of the faculty’s key research areas ( The willingness to participate in the affiliated institutes located at the faculty is appreciated ( The tasks of the professorship include the excellent training of students and doctoral candidates in finance. The successful acquisition and implementation of third-party-funded projects is appreciated. The faculty expects to fill several positions in the Finance Area and the successful candidate will play a key role in shaping the future strategy of the Finance Area.

We are seeking an outstanding researcher in finance. The successful candidate has a strong commitment to high quality research and has demonstrated the ability to publish in top-tier finance journals. The candidate should possess strong quantitative analytical skills and apply state-of-the-art empirical methods. The successful candidate offers high quality and innovative teaching in finance at all levels. Teaching experience in business administration programmes is expected.

The University of Cologne provides a stimulating academic environment with a wide range of career development opportunities as well as support services for dual career couples and family-friendly working conditions. The position is available as of 01.01.2025 or based on mutual agreement. Formal requirements are detailed in Section 36 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz – HG NRW). As a rule, the teaching load comprises nine semester hours per week (i.e., two hours per week is one 90-minute course per semester). The University of Cologne is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. Women are especially encouraged to apply and will be considered preferentially in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz – LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from people with disabilities / special needs or of equal status. Please submit your application (without a photo) via the University of Cologne’s Academic Job Portal ( by 16.06.2024. Your application should be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Science. It should consist of the following documents (in English language): cover letter, curriculum vitae, a publication list and teaching evaluations. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf (

Call for Papers: Second Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance

Call for Papers: Second Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance

August 19-20, 2024 in Aarhus, Denmark

The objective of this workshop is to present state-of-the-art academic research on topics related to strategic interaction in corporate finance. There will be one track of presentations over the course of two days, with a small number of papers on the program to allow for ample time for discussions and to create a stimulating environment. Each paper will have a discussant. The workshop will start with a welcome reception on the evening of Sunday August 18, 2024.

Itay Goldstein, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Mike Burkart, London School of Economics

TOPICS: We welcome submissions from all areas of corporate finance, in particular related to the strategic interaction between different agents (such as managers, investors, financial institutions, rating agencies), and their objectives. Papers in an early stage will also be considered. We ask you not to submit a paper that has been accepted for publication in a journal or is close to being accepted. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.

Sample topic areas include, but are not limited to:

      • Interaction between firms’ investment and financing decisions
      • Real implications of financial contracts
      • Conflicts of interest between the firm’s stakeholders
      • Real options signaling games
      • Bargaining along the supply chain
      • Interdependence between disclosure and corporate finance
      • Feedback between the firm and financial markets
      • Feedback effects of ratings
      • Corporate governance and shareholder voting
      • Strategic decisions in corporate takeovers


Stefan Hirth (chair), Aarhus University
Matthias Lassak (co-chair), Aarhus University

Adelina Barbalau, University of Alberta
Ajay Subramanian, Georgia State University
Alexander Schandlbauer, University of Southern Denmark
Alexander Szimayer, Hamburg University
Andrey Malenko, Boston College
Anil Kumar, Aarhus University
Boris Nikolov, University of Lausanne
Cecilia Bustamante, University of Maryland
Chong Huang, University of California, Irvine
Christian Hilpert, Sun Yat-sen University
Christoph Schneider, University of Münster
Christopher Hennessy, London Business School
David Lando, Copenhagen Business School
Dion Bongaerts, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Emilio Bisetti, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Enrique Schroth, EDHEC Business School
Evgeny Lyandres, Tel Aviv University
Florian Kiesel, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Francesca Zucchi, ECB
Francesco Sangiorgi, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Francesco Sannino, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Grzegorz Pawlina, Lancaster University Management School
Günter Strobl, University of Vienna
Jan Schneemeier, Indiana University
Jing Zeng, University of Bonn
Joel Shapiro, Saïd Business School
Kornelia Fabisik, University of Bern
Larissa Schäfer, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Magdalena Rola-Janicka, Imperial College
Marliese Uhrig-Homburg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Martin Ruckes, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Matthias Efing, HEC Paris
Matthieu Bouvard, Toulouse School of Economics
Nadya Malenko, Boston College
Naveen Gondhi, INSEAD
Paul Voss, HEC Paris
Simon Gervais, Duke University
Thomas Geelen, Copenhagen Business School
Tom Aabo, Aarhus University
Vladimir Vladimirov, University of Amsterdam
Yunzhi Hu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Yuri Tserlukevich, Arizona State University
Zacharias Sautner, University of Zurich
Zhen Zhou, Tsinghua University

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Interested authors should submit their papers (with author information or anonymized) via the submission link on the workshop web page by February 20, 2024. There is no submission fee. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by end of April 2024.

EXPENSES AND PRACTICAL ARRANGEMENTS: We expect regular participants to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses, as well as a modest participation fee for the catering. We are in the process of securing additional funding, which may allow us to cover further expenses.
The workshop web page will continuously be updated with current information. Please contact the organizers for questions regarding paper submission and workshop attendance.

Market Microstructure Database Xetra

Der Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung der Universität Mannheim hat gemeinsam mit dem Center for Financial Studies in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Börse AG und gefördert durch die DFG eine Microstructure-Datenbank erstellt, die tägliche Daten aus Xetra für alle im CDAX enthaltenen Aktien und den Zeitraum 1999 bis 2013 enthält. Zu den enthaltenen Variablen gehören etwa quotierte und effektive Geld-Brief-Spannen und viele andere. Diese Datenbank ist für Forscher und ausschliesslich für Forschungszwecke kostenlos verfügbar, wobei aber ein formelles Prozedere einzuhalten ist. Das zum Download bereitgestellte pdf-Dokument enthält nähere Informationen.