Call for Papers:
2nd Structured Retail Products and Derivatives Conference
Campus Hagen, Germany
Fri–Sat, May 24–25, 2024
Succeeding the online workshop in 2021, we are pleased to announce the 2nd conference on options and derivatives with special emphasis on retail products. We cordially invite the academic community to submit papers related to options and derivatives markets in general.
There will be a special track on structured retail products. For this track, we also encourage the submission of work in progress, with an extended abstract of approximately 300–800 words. Topics for this track may include, but are not limited to:
- Behavioral aspects,
- Hedging strategies,
- Market microstructure,
- Pricing policies,
- Product innovations,
- Product valuation,
- Regulatory issues.
Please submit your paper or abstract in PDF format via e-mail to
The submission deadline is January, 31st, 2024.
Author notification will be given in Mid-February 2024.
We are pleased to announce that Neil Pearson, Harry A. Brandt Distinguished Professor of Financial Markets and Options, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has agreed to give a keynote address.
The conference will be accompanied by a special issue of the Journal of Futures Markets.
For further information regarding the conference venue, travel, accommodation, etc. visit
Conference chairs:
Prof. Rainer Baule
University of Hagen
Prof. Bart Frijns
Open University of the Netherlands